The HEICO-LOCK® Wheel Nut is the reliable solution for the problem of self-loosening of wheel nuts on both roads and rough terrain.
The captive and rotary combination of the nut and the proven HEICO-LOCK® Wedge Lock Washers provides ideal protection for securing your wheels even under the most adverse circumstances, high speeds and demanding road conditions.
With the HEICO-LOCK® Wheel Nut accidents caused by wheel loss are a thing of the past!
Design of the Wheel Nut
The HEICO-LOCK® Wheel Nut is supplied pre-assembled. The nut and the HEICO-LOCK® Wedge Lock Washers are combined in a captive and rotary way, ensuring the HEICO-LOCK® Wedge Lock Washers and the nut are fixed permanently in the correct position with the wedge lock washers securing your bolted joint using the proven HEICO-LOCK® principle without loss of quality or function.
An important feature of HEICO-LOCK ® Wedge Lock Washers, setting them apart from other systems that are available, is the securing of the bolt fastening using preload force rather than friction